Iffin' a new mattress doan appear soon, I'se gonna be a cripple--more cripple than I already is wif' this plantar fasciitis situation. Ain't nobody better mess wif' me, I'se on steroids--I can leap tall buildings in a single bound!
Akshully we need two sets of mattresses, one for The Bed, one fer the library bedroom.
Uncle thinks this tempurpedic stuff is the ticket. Friends say it's divine support but hot. Others say jes' gitcha self a top quality posturepedic.
What does all y'all recommend?
Auntie, I have heard the same about the Tempurpedic, but I think newer models have some sort of coolant involved. HOWEVER, when we bought a new mattress a year or so ago, we bought one with a bamboo fabric cover and it is divine. Takes care of that hot issue. I will look up the brand tomorrow and re-post. I love that mattress lots.
Aint B! Dahlin', I feel your pain! No, really. I've been having similar issues and it truly IS the pits. I can tell you what NOT to buy. About 13-14 years ago, on a friend's glowing recommendation, we bought a Select Comfort with individual controls. It has a 20 year warranty, which I'm gonna have to make use of. It's all hills and valleys, the middle sags a bit and the cover keeps crawling around. And when Duller starts thrashing around, I DO feel it. I never know what I'll wake up to. Sacroiliac or sciatic pain, a knot in the neck or shoulder, shoulder blade strain... If you do find that perfect mattress, please clue me in!
Hi All,
I have been out of pocket and see there is a crossroad here. I’ll volunteer to host a Haiku Monday Tuesday with a deadline of Midnight in Australia Tuesday this week. We’ll get back on track after that.
The theme would be simply BEAR – because I was looking ta them this weekend.
If that works, come join me at http://serendipitouswildmoments.wordpress.com/2012/05/14/haiku-monday-tuesday/
I have a pillow top posturepedic mattress with a 3" memory foam topper on it .... it works well for me!
I do know that the older Tempurpedics had issues with heat, but I agree with Pam, I think the new ones have some sort of coolant involved.
I hope you get some rest soon!
I cannot solve your mattress issue.
Although I will tell you clients with the memory foam beds... mostly the men love them and the women hate them. I am told it is for two reasons
1)more men sleep on their backs while more women sleep on their sides. Memory foam mattresses work best for those who sleep on their backs. (The air based mattresses are the only ones which can be adjusted to sleep positions)
2) Women also complain about the memory foam beds because they are polyester foam so they get hotter the longer you stay in them and they produce a very unpleasant outgassing. It is believed men are not as bothered by the odor because they sleep on their backs thus their noses are facing away from the foam. If you sleep on your side then you will smell the outgassing. There is a disclaimer on most websites about the outgassing as being a normal by product of high density "memory" foams.
One woman I know made rounds to all the specialists in an unsuccessful attempt to end her debilitating headaches. Every time she went to the hospital she improved, within days of discharge she would be back to the killer headaches. They finally figured out her problem was environmental and yes it was the memory foam outgassing causing the headaches. Her case is clearly extreme but if you are sensitive to smells be forewarned.
For me, I like the Westin hotel chains "Heavenly Bed" which is now available to the public. My understanding is the Westin folks spent a decade in research and development to get to Heaven. Invite Uncle to go check into a Westin and test that bed wif ya!
About that little problem with plantar fasciaitis. I have suffered from that misery along with a fish hook bone spur. I was truly miserable! I hobbled off to the specialists took a closet full of meds and still I suffered.
Then an Indian doctor told me how to get rid of it in one week. Here is what he told me to do:
"Throw your handkerchief on the floor and pick it up using your foot like a hand. Do 10 reps of this every awake hour for a week".
The simpler version is to make a fist with your foot but to actually grasp something works better. It will hurt. A lot. But in a week you will be cured. I say this with confidence because I have shared this cure with others and we each enjoy a 100% success rate.
I'm a major fan of the Tempurpedic. Ten years into our marriage, I developed into a VERY restless sleeper and S.B. lost his ability to sleep through apocalyptic events. The only solution, it seemed, was separate beds. The we discovered Tempurpedic five years ago. Saved our marriage. I didn't notice a smell or the heat. It's divine.
Hi Aunty, missed you at Haiku. Results are up.
A proper mattress is so important to correct sleep. Too hard or soft and it can cause all sorts of problems for your back and joints. I find memory foam products can help get a decent night's sleep.
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