(really wanted to do g[angst]er)

Aunty's Front Porch where lighter exchanges go with well lemonade and pork rinds. Y'all sit a spell. Tell a story or two. Bring your dogs. Feeling feisty? Looking for debate? C'mon round to the BACK PORCH @auntybelles.blogspot.com NOTE:Contents of this blog is copyrighted 2006-2013.
I am sure glad you didn't do Gangster. Grrhahahaha I was actually thinking gangster but used that a few months ago for New York.
Anyway, some very disturbing and thought provoking pictures - I like.
Happy MM!
youse So clevah! Ya beat me to it wif' yore rappers. I'se forced to go the serious (mostly) route.
Truly excellent selections for a difficult theme. Best so far.
Happy Mute Monday!
You so nailed it with "Age of Angst",
I especially like the sculptures and the Lady in Red!!!!! Zowie
I'm up at the Pond.
If anything, I hope this week's theme teaches us all to lighten up a bit! That aged Barbie's hilarious, though. Happy Mute Monday, Aunty!
That Dorothea Lange photo of the depression era woman is an all-time fave photo of mine. Great job on this and finding the right facial expressions.
There's a lot of angst in the world, and none more than what beats in the heart of most CHIHUAHUAS! Happy MM.
iffen this is such a "difficult theme", whydidja pick it?
Great choices. We have the same breakfast shot. lol. I love the blue and white sketch you have. HMM.
you cant beat dorthea lange. the dust bowl and depression phtographs are heartbreaking and instructive. people are complacent. and believe that things will always move in an upward trajectory. not so. happy MM aunty
it's the children ...
those photos always get me ..
I could have done that pose for angst after watching the Spartans lose. Again.
Happy Mute Monday
I love the lady in the red hat. Love her.
I didn't have time to play this week, but wanted to say Happy MM anyway. :)
I don't know whether to laugh or... no, definitely... cry. The tears of angels, so precious, so many.
Good evening Aunty Belle,
Sorry, I missed this yesterday. You truly mixed up a fine batch of angst.
Happy Mute Monday/Tuesday
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