Great Water Heist on BACK Porch

Aunty's Front Porch where lighter exchanges go with well lemonade and pork rinds. Y'all sit a spell. Tell a story or two. Bring your dogs. Feeling feisty? Looking for debate? C'mon round to the BACK PORCH @auntybelles.blogspot.com NOTE:Contents of this blog is copyrighted 2006-2013.
oh my goodness you even found one for me. God bless ya aunty. im sure yore chiles is celebrating you today in grand style.
I'd say that all of them is our folks. Know what I mean???
Beautiful pictures and it was lovely to see you found a gal with her chicken to include.
I hope you are being celebrated and pamered Aunty. You deserve it.
Happy MM and happy Mother's Day.
Happy Mute Monday!
aw puddin' I couldna ledt out the Chicks Mama!
whar; ya been? AN how's ya doin'? Yep, Darlin' youse absolutely right--they IS all our folks.
Boxer Babe--
thanky--in truth I was. Delightful day fer all the mamas of the clan--wif' Granny Cracker as queen bee. (she is mendin' an was up to the celebration iffin' we din't let her do much) An' Sweet Pea, I knows ya's missin' yore own dear MIL. She smilin' on ya from above.
Ree, hey you!! Thanky.
I can't think of anything else in the world that I'd rather be than a mom.
I hope you had a wonderful Mothers Day.
Aunty Belle,
This were a lovely post. Interesting you chose black and white imagery for such a colorful subject. Yet ...
I find it appropriate. Beautiful choice for the assignment. The spirit of mother's the world over is a universal black and white truth.
Glad to read yore clan had a fine celebration of Mother's day. I thought it were the true cracker mother in you that posted the pic of the chicken mama to comfort blogger K9. You is kind.
Happy MM, keep them sharing spirits aloft.
The timely spirit of motherhood and so many views of it. In nice times and not so nice.
Happy MM!
Excellent variety of pics. A fine visual celebration of motherhood.
happy Mute Monday and late Mother's Day.
I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day, Aunty! And a Happy Mute Monday
Some really nice poignant shots in there. Loved the chickie tribute, too.
Lovely selection! I just love B&W photos. Happy MM!
Aunty, these are terrific! Thank you for the lovely MM!
Terrific depiction of the spirit theme.
Mother and child... no matter the conditions around them, something wonderful always shines through.
Happy MM.
while all were touching and or lovely my favorite one must be the little gal with the chick ..
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