Aunty's Front Porch where lighter exchanges go with well lemonade and pork rinds. Y'all sit a spell. Tell a story or two. Bring your dogs. Feeling feisty? Looking for debate? C'mon round to the BACK PORCH @auntybelles.blogspot.com NOTE:Contents of this blog is copyrighted 2006-2013.
WOW....these are incredible Aunty. I love them all but I think my favourites are the exploding zeppelins and the one flying over the pyramid.
Well done. Happy Mute Monday.
These photos look like something from a science fiction movie! Very cool. Happy Mute Monday to you!
Beautiful pictures Aunty. Every time I think of a zeppelin I think of Randy getting one in the Christmas Story thinking it was way cooler than a bb gun.
Happy Mute Monday.
Hey Gypsy Romany!
I love that pyramid shopt too--doan ya know them stunned Eygptian fellas thought they's seen the end of the age?
Moi, Dahlink,
it is weird how some of these photos look scifi, but then --wow, zepps are sorta scifi even still.
Big Shamu, Sugar
I love that movie--can Christmas come wif'out that movie? Definitely cooler than a BBgun.
Happy MM ya'll.
Oh, the humanity! Someone had to say it. Wonderful old visuals!
Happy Mute Monday
Interesting as always Aunty Belle.
I find the grainy photographs very engaging but as much as the images I found myself thinking, "where were the photographers?" who took those arial shots? No doubt in jeopardy!
Also found the US postage stamp interesting at 65 cents ?
I get dizzy looking at pictures of the Zeppelin - can you imagine traveling in one? NOT ME. But it was beautiful and tragic and I'm glad you picked this as your Mute.
Happy MM!
LOL... I was thinking exactly what Gypsy said... as usual :) Happy MM x
Wonderful images!
Happy Mute Monday.
Happy Mute Monday, I'm up at the Pond...sort of.
Happy MM. remember, no smoking on the zep.
Great pics!!
My husband thinks the zeppelin was a great form of transportation and should still be in use. He has all kinds of arguments in the zeppelins' favor.
Happy MM!
i loved this! what a great collection of images and i am a bit sad that i dont see zepplins in the sky. way cool MM! all thats missing is the led.
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