I'm two years old and sittin' in Daddy's lap (he bein' all of 23 years old!)
But, ya'll, fair is FAIR--ever'body ought put up they baby pics!
Ho ho ! ...and now, I'se taggin' ya'll fer a new photo meme: Put up a photo of your most embarrassin' or funniest teen photo. Tagged is : Vanille, /T, Mayden, Boney, BirdBeauty, Bawgs, SHE, X.Dell, Red, Iamnot and Foamy.
oh Belle you are so totally adorable!
I dig that daddy's tie too. I am real good at dating clothing... I worked in two vintage clothing stores.
But I won't say what era that tie is from... I am not going to date that photo.
This is a great photo!!! I will post my most embarrassing teen photo before I go to sleep tonight.
good meme idea!
I cain't finds the durn photo what I was aimin' ter post.
T'was jest here day afore yesterday!
I'll gits to it, I promise.....
PS Belle, I don't know the rules, but I think you have to post YOUR most embarrassing teen photo too!!
PPS: I found a real humdinger.... it's not the one I wanted, but it is the one the entire family laughs at!!
Thanky Sugar Pie! Ain't you the sweet thang not to date my Daddy's tie!(And thus Aunty's age--ugh!)
I will tell ya', iffin' I'd put up the whole photo--wif' that handsome 23 year old daddy--hoo-whee! There'd be a riot.
Cain't wait ter see yore embarrassin' teen self.
nobodys ever gonna put that photo together with the one i posted of granny clampett! grrrehaha
you are too cute aunty belle. too damn cute. you havent changed much.
all my teen photos are embarrassing - I have hair! I will have to see what I can dig up...
PS: is the "embarrassing to look at now," or "embarrassing even when they were taken?"
What happened ?
Cute ... so very cute ....
SHE, hee-haw...well, darlin' ever baby is eventually and toothless ole biddy. Youse a very sassy little sprite yoreself--although I has ter note that you cheated a mite---that warn't no baby pic of your'n--ya has six years to git up that winning little stance! An' I see ya is still turnin' heads wif' it!
Bawgs, Puddin' any kind of embarrassin' ya favor will woork...I prefers them snappshots what ya find embarrassin' NOW!
Hey Mara --wade on in here--the water is only warm on the Front Porch.
ok .... i will go to the back porch ... sounds like fun...
And ... they'll be some photos in the next couple ....
A real Aussie Girl
Awe, look at ya!!!
i'll be diggin' around then.
teen photos are somewhat hard to come by. my scanner is not working so it'll be something that i can photograph.
you were a mighty cute baby, belle....
and i think my daddy had the same tie.
i did your meme..
Ha! Foamy, youse a dream girl--looky at that 2 piece--hoo-whee!!
Ok Aunty Belle ... My baby photo is up, up and awaaaaay.
Aunty Belle, that photo of you is priceless.
today I have randomized my post...
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