


Apathy ain't  an excuse--go vote.  The roses can wait, yore boss will unnerstan', take a newspaper--mebbe a chair. Our lines at 6:40 were 100 yards long.


moi said...

Took me only thirty minutes. Lines in Rio Rancho, a city to the west of us and where my father lives, are looooooong, though. Two-hour waits. People leaving, fed up. Governor flying in to encourage them to stay.

Buzz Kill said...

The Pudge and I walked into the high school, walked right up to the signature table (asked if they wanted to see my ID - they didn't) and went right in to a voting booth. I let the Pudge push the buttons. In and out in five minutes. We're a democrat controlled state, so I figure they don't work and voted in the afternoon, leaving the evening for us taxpayers. Bwahahahahaha

Jenny said...

Washington State moved all mail-in ballots this year. It's going to change how we get our results (slow) and while I didn't really miss having to go to vote..... I do love going to my local school, the smell, the volunteers and the buzz that just isn't there when doing it at home. That said, I think I did a better of voting on local issues because I had time to do more research/etc.

Whatever happens, it's a better process than any other country.

R.Powers said...

Voted Saturday. Line was ten feet long.

Aunty Belle said...

One thang about the division in the nation--it do propel folks out of they chairs an to the polls.