

CHICKEN Haiku is at Ether Capacious(Click)

"O Lord Jesus Christ the son of the living God, set thy passion, cross, and death between thy judgment and my soul, now, and in the hour of my death and vouchsafe to grant unto me grace and mercy: to the living and the dead rest and pardon: to thy Church peace and concord, and to us sinners life and glory everlasting, who livest and reignest, God, with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Ghost, world without end."

Happy Easter, Y'all!


Jenny said...

Happy Easter Aunty.

Caroline said...

Happy Easter morning, Aunty!

Sharon Rudd said...

Hope you're having a fine Easter, Aunty! Looking forward to having you back out and about in the blogosphere, too.

chickory said...

Easter means you are back on blogging!


Buzz Kill said...

Chicky's right -lent is over. Welcome back and Happy Easter!