This one survived but sat in the branches of the camellia bush fer a spell tryin' to recover hisself--his chest was pumpin'...poor wee thang.
Can you find it in this picture?

Y'all. real life is still unrelentin', but I keep tryin' to escape. So I went roamin' around to one of mah favorite French blogs and....found this most Uncharacteristic selection of reading material.
This is the book I jes' ordered:
My Mother's Clothes from Welcome Books on Vimeo.

But Granny will adore this book! She was of that same generation--an once wore a real Balenciaga. Mah own first formal "ball" is a blur of a memory after I was delivered to the glittery event--instead what I still recall is Granny's excitement over the custom ordered gown (from a connected relative in New Orleans) an' the whispery "swoosh" as she lowered the silken white cloud over mah haid, then the sparkle in her eyes as she stood back to assess what more might be needed to complete the image that danced in her mind's eye. I think thar' may have been a tiny clutch of sweetheart rose buds nailed to mah haid afore I was invited to parade this vision past Papa Cracker waitin' in the parlor. Was he charmed... or wuz it alarm I seen on his face?
Hope y'all is well, an' life is treatin' ya kind.
He was just trying to catch his breath.
Good to hear from you Aunty. Best wishes to Granny and the clan.
Glad to see you liked Jeannette's book!
sometimes I feel like that bird.
sending you and your family big love, Aunty. Keep the faith.
I spect we will all look forward to the Granny commentary on the fashion book. Godspeed to you both.
Is he slightly to the left and above dead center?
Hi Auntie! Was this a prom dress or some other event?
School is nearly out--the summer beckons!
Paris Breakfasts!
hello and thanks for stopping by the Porch. I adore the book, My Mother's Clothes! And when reality is a bit too snug, I come to yore blog fer a happy diversion.
how is yore own Daddy, chile'? The wee bird made it!
Heh...'spect we WILL! She is a hoot--last night she were tryin' to open a cellophane pack of crackers fer her soup an said did we have a chainsaw handy? Dern packs are impossible to open.
Yep, you found him!
Not prom, another event, one of those Southern throwback thangs to prove Southern heritage--that I think is now obsolete.
Did ya' have somethin' similar?
Couldn't find it, lol.
Btw -
BamaTrav WON the April Culinary Smackdown, and has the right to DECLARE and JUDGE the next challenge. The only thing rigged about the April challenge was that TROLL DIDN'T EVEN BELONG in the coin-toss. Troll even admitted that he didn't use lobster in his dish - what's legitimate about that ? It's apparent that TrollY2K is only going to play by his own rules.
Your choice here, but please consider BamaTrav the April Culinary Smackdown Champion who will host and judge for mid-May.
Dearest Aunty Belle,
Please don't allow Troll to "hijack" the Culinary Challenge.
BamaTrav WON the April Culinary Smackdown, and has the right to DECLARE and JUDGE the next challenge. The only thing rigged about the April challenge was that TROLL DIDN'T EVEN BELONG in the coin-toss. Troll even admitted that he didn't use lobster in his dish - what's legitimate about that ? It's apparent that TrollY2K is only going to play by his own rules.
Your choice here, but please consider BamaTrav the April Culinary Smackdown Champion who will host and judge for mid-May.
Ooops ! Hit you up twice there, lol !
Auntie, I'm praying for you some peace. Soon. We love you, and await your return. We'll wait forever for you Auntie. hugs.
Wow. I have to get this book. I can so relate. My mother grew up dirt poor in the aftermath of WWII and the first thing she did when she started earning her own money was take the train to Paris to buy herself some "proper clothing." When she died, some of it was still hanging in her closet.
Your story is equally sweet. Who among us doesn't have a similar memory of the transformative power of something beautifully made?
Hope you're hanging in there, Aunty. Thinking of you . . .
Aunty I bet you looked a dream in your special dress and your father was worried about all the boys that would be wanting to meet you to dance with them! That's the thing about overprotective dads, they were boys once too!
The book would be a nice present for Mother's Day, don't you think?
Glad to hear Granny is stable. x
PS: I can see the bird, he really frightened himself.
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