Aunty's Front Porch where lighter exchanges go with well lemonade and pork rinds. Y'all sit a spell. Tell a story or two. Bring your dogs. Feeling feisty? Looking for debate? C'mon round to the BACK PORCH @auntybelles.blogspot.com NOTE:Contents of this blog is copyrighted 2006-2013.
OhOh, the Troll blogger jinxed you. I like the one picture of the rocket amusement ride. I'm pretty sure I remember riding that (or one like it) as a kid.
Happy MM!
Aunty Belle,
Happy MM, I really like that last photo .... so beautiful! I am up at the Pond with a Rock of a different sort.
I'd call "BlogJynx" but we didn't pick the same ones. Yours were better. Nice.
Happy Mute Monday!
You were up first Aunty, I can attest to that! I think I love the cars the best, but all of these are great. Having grown up with a brother who loved everything about the Space Program (and I did too) we had a lot of the toy rockets there popular in the 60's.
I clicked the fourth to the last, second to last and last photos to enlarge. They were spectacular.
OOOH! I really like that rocket car thingy! I'd have a good time driving that around. Happy MM Auntie!
I grew up in a neighborhood whose local boys were always building rockets. What is it with humans, always trying to get ourselves off the ground? Personally, I much prefer terra firma :o) Happy Mute Monday!
I love that amusement ride photo too! Mute Monday rocks!
I love the one with the kids.
Happy Mute Monday!
I have really started to like these. Uhrm, now that I realize there are titles and reasons for them. I will have to go back some to the ones I could not figure out. I wish K9 would get back soon. Then I have the twin towers of Mute Monday. God Bless.
HI all!
I'se huffin' and puffin'--loads of clan comin...got to git ter cookin', but thanky thanky fer y'all's comments.
Be back directly....
Great collection of photos, no words were needed.
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