Aunty's Front Porch where lighter exchanges go with well lemonade and pork rinds. Y'all sit a spell. Tell a story or two. Bring your dogs. Feeling feisty? Looking for debate? C'mon round to the BACK PORCH @auntybelles.blogspot.com NOTE:Contents of this blog is copyrighted 2006-2013.
to guess rightly, ya need to be precise!
Andromeda Galaxy?
Either way, I LOVE your take on this ... outta this world. :-)
Happy Mute Monday.
Outer space is all I can get! GORGEOUS photos. Happy MM!
Intergalaxy House of Pancakes?
Great pics! I know it but I don't need troll points.
happy mute monday!
Excellent take Aunty... you deserve points for that alone.
The Universe.
This Universe.
Happy MM.
Well how 'bout you? How did you get Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock's addresses? I would recognize the Final Frontier anywhere! Way to go Aunty! Happy MM!
Hmmm, (fill in this blank city) Museum of (Natural Science, Science, or Astrology/Cosmology)? Though those look real, sort of, they also look like they could be paintings or pseudo photographs (though too, some of the actual pictures are so... computerized... that they look a little off, sometimes). I have a new monitor though, and I do not like it all that well or am not used to it as well.
I cannot wait for the answer. (he's lying, but only slightly)
Drats, in looking over them, I see one (if only one), has a Hubble marking on it. So, maybe I am way off (or it's a more realistic piece of art?).
Hubble mission site!
Nice pics but I'm afraid I'm not much of an astronomer. I'm guessing some sort of nebulus crustation, but I'm probably way off.
Happy MM!
sector B64R2-08C
I see the Cone Nebula, the Eagle Nebula, the Eta-Carina, Monocerotis, galaxies colliding, all taken from the Hubble Telescope. Beautiful images of the cosmos. Check out the one called Pillars of Creation. I certainly look forward to more incredible images of the cosmos as photography evolves to capture even greater details.
space ovaries...
Nebulas in the Milky Way?
Cape Canaveral? No, wait. That's a launch site.
Area 51. Yep, that's my final answer.
Happy MM, such gorgeous pictures!! I really like the last one.
Cow pasture?
A Galaxy Far, Far Away!
Happy Mute Monday!
I'm guessing it's not anywhere nearby! ;-)
Happy Mute Monday.
kmwthay said what I was gonna... 8-}
Earth orbit? Hubble universe? The final frontier?
http://hubblesite.org/gallery/ ?
Oh, duh, it just occurred to me... Edwin P. Hubble Planetarium???
aunty thanks for the well wishes on trouter. xo
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