Sure ya do! Doan we all? I have ONE New Year's resolution: clear out the junque!
Yes, I'se admittin' mah problem: Stacks of thangs behind a door piled in baskets, stashes of unused items clogging shelves an' cabinets.
Then, I wondered what kind of junk y'all have? Heh, sorta funny what other folks are pack rats about. I wondered if we might have some fun lookin' at each other's discards. Might even wanna trade! I'se invitin' folks to upload photos of clutter they intend to send to Goodwill or put in a yard sale. No photos? Ain't organized yet fer 2009? Thas' Ok--jes post yore list of stuff...then come to the Front Porch an' let people know you are participatin' in this cyber junk show today (Tuesday 6) & Wednesday 7th.
Heres some of mah junque.

Seems to me stuff jes' grows--I have a drawer full of scarves that looks like somebody sprinkled yeast in it. Now it has risen and expanded, drippin' out of the drawer, too fluffy to close all the way--mercy Maud, how many scarves does one female need? (ain't countin various "wraps" an' shawls.)
From there, I move to shoes--ain't never gonna wear these CUTE orange loafers again. Ain't worn them in years ...oh yes, I is still A Gator Girl, but I is morphin' from CinderCracker wif a size 5 foot into Esmeralda who cain't jam her foot into 'em!

an' how many pairs of lime green shoes does ya want?

But I ain't never gonna ditch these lovely lizard beauties! They's 26 years old, mah foot is crimped to cartoon feet when I wear 'em, but I ain't lettin' 'em go.

AN' look at this sticky, leaky make-up drawer--Gah! Silly ain't it? How many items of drug store powder and paint does one face need? (doan answer that!). This whole drawer has got to go!

well, I'se gettin' started. Listenin' to podcasts an' clearin stuff outa nooks an crannies.
Stay tuned fer more on Wednesday.
Everything I value could fit in the trunk of my little old car.
(If they promised to behave themselves, I might even let the boys sit in the back seat.)
I'm UP with my "junk".
DO NOT give away those lizard skin heels without talking to Moi first. They are awesome! And so back in fashion this year.
I'm up with my stuff that's gotta go. Sort of. Maybe :o).
Oh, I keep tryin', Aint B, but still haven't had time and gumption simultaneously to dig in. Your junk looks more like junque to me. LOVE those lizard boats!
I'll try real hard to get some stuff gathered. Just let me know if there's any old thing you're particularly looking for. I have a little of just about everything imaginable... and a few things unimaginable. 8-}
what in the sam hill does ya wear aunty that requires bright orange loafers and lime green? oillily? or whatever that massive color explosion line is called. never wear scarves. i dont get it. those lizard pumps look like they were constructed of tongue depressors. grrrrherhahahaha
ise up -just the studio today. tomorrow: the clothes.
what shoe size do you wear Aunty?
I may have to fight Moi for those green beauties.
I told K9, I don't care what kind of week I'm having, I'll be in tomorrow. Too. Much. Fun.
I'm up and not a shoe to be found. You ladies need a blog just to trade shoes.
Oh NO!
I'se freakin, out cause my
modem died...How can this be at
a time like this?!?!
I'se lookin, at this on my phone an'
tryin' to tpe on atom size keys...
So so bummed!
But how fun y'all came an' I'se
gonna try to stop by to see y'all all
But iffin I 9*-,'t manage commentsn well
The junk
Show might need to extend
A day... so sorry
...Them orange loafers is GATOR shoes,Pup
I mean, ya KNOW, that!
Moi an' AB y'all likes my lizard pumps??!!
- adore 'em! But mah feet doan fit
no more
So....mercyn hang wif me
I caint keep typin, on this lilliputian
Keyboard...but I will get to all ASAP
I hope to have some junque photos tomorrow. Another of my blog friends (Britgal Sarah) just did a post on clearing out of some clutter and what needs thrown away ... ya'll both must be having new years cleaning issues! My make-up drawer ... heavens, yours is clean and spiffy compared to mine.
Oh NO!
I'se freakin, out cause my
modem died...How can this be at
a time like this?!?!
I'se lookin, at this on my phone an'
tryin' to tpe on atom size keys...
So so bummed!
But how fun y'all came an' I'se
gonna try to stop by to see y'all all
But iffin I 9*-,'t manage commentsn well
The junk
Show might need to extend
A day... so sorry
...Them orange loafers is GATOR shoes,Pup
I mean, ya KNOW, that!
Moi an' AB y'all likes my lizard pumps??!!
- adore 'em! But mah feet doan fit
no more
So....mercyn hang wif me
I caint keep typin, on this lilliputian
Keyboard...but I will get to all ASAP
Aunty Belle,
I ain't fergot yer great cyber adventure but I left my digital camera at the office today and then I had the
Epiphany party at the church so it will be tomorrow evening before I am up with the goods.
I do have a world class ugly Christmas sweater; looks like it was designed by Klee or Kandinsky,
I have a beautiful, soon to be vintage, Christmas blue Oleg Cassini ballgown I wore to my nieces debutante ball 2 decades back...with matching shoes and purse! I may can find the ear jewelry too. I do have vintage turquoise and silver jewelry my MIL bought out West in the 1940's a bit after the war.
I have some beautiful metallic ruched silver shoes and clutch which looks great with the white and rhinestone classic Roman looking evening gown which will never again encompass my body parts.
I have a crate of old record albums including everybody I listened to in the 60's and even that banned French album from the same era. There is of course those electric curler sets, a basket of old purses and wallets and briefcases and beach bags.
A slew of yard toys when Mermaid and friends played every kind of racquet game and skating game up on the tennis court before it became the backyard dancefloor,
There is the Blowfish's PRESS and, last I heard, about 3000 lbs of typesetting trays and lead type in lots of fonts and point sizes.
I have metal bamboo oh-so-chic folding table and 2 chairs for elegant tailgating at the steeplechasing and polo matches .
I have my MIL's vintage Betty Crocker cookie press which made the best Christmas cookies ever!
That's all I remember without actually opening a drawer or a closet! Hope you get back up soon!
fishy ya gotta try an find a way to recycle that stuff for survival. git with it!
aunty. modem broke? try and leech off yore neighbors wireless.
I'm with wid ma junk!
And K9's right - why have neighbors if you can't borrow a cup of Internet access.
grehhhhhhhrherhahahahaha boxer!
Another piece of junk up at the Squirrels.
aunty, did you drown in your junk?
actually been by a few times ..
but my computer is not playing all the time..
it's turning into a piece of junk itself i think.
oooh... shoes. one can never have enough shoes. I say - really Auntie -you need another pair at least of lime green shoes. But if you abandon those lizard skin heels, I'll fight moi to the death for them! Think I'll wing my way out there immediately and scavenge your recycle bins and Good Will bags!
Uh oh, Shoe Cage Death Match.
Scary. That just outright scares me.
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