I put on a clean nightgown ter'night.

A clean nightgown means I have the luxury of access to soap and clean water, and machines to do the hard work of ringing out laundry and dryin' it to a soft warm comfort I slip over mah head.
Then I got settled in mah clean sheets, fluffing the pillows jes' right

...an' glimpsed the moon a shinin' right out mah window....
...his sleepy winking face an invitation to dreamland.
I'se moved ternight to gratitude.
A clean bed means I have the great good fortune to sleep in safety and order, when millions doan even have a bed, much less a home to have a bed in....Lordy, but ternight I'se real grateful.
When the resentments of the day pile up, I can git in mah bath with all manner of potions and soaps and step out clean and ready to git a safe night's sleep and recharge.
When I am feeling whinny or wanna' gold star for mah perseverance in life...well, thas' when heaven stirs mah soul enough ter remind me that tonight I'll be in a clean nightgown, in a clean safe bed, there will be real good coffee with half& half in the mornin'....and the sun will probably shine on the back porch out the kitchen wiondow, an' iffin' it doan, then the flowers and frogs will be happy fer the rain....
Seems to this ole' cracker lady that one of the best cures for what's wrong wif' yore life is to look around and really LOOK at what is right in yore life.
Nighty-night, folks.
yep, it's always good to count blessings. and even when i have to blog out a rant i count my blessings.
for example, today, despite the fact that my mother keeps unwrapping her cast and i find her using her broken hand, my youngest finally learned how to ride his bicycle. i have some contacts for people who can perhaps help me out with my mother and i already talked to one of them.
yesterday i heard from a friend i had not heard from in a long time.
....and today.....
what would the mail bring, but a package in which i found a precious handcrafted bookmark from venezia.....
life is good..
did you find a baby photo yet?
Yes'm, that sounds right close to the truth of all life, gal!
And, let me take a moment t'thank YOU fer the very colorful package that arrived just today.
I paused fer a time... I like packaging... trying t'figure out how best to extract the "goodies."
Now, at some point of carefully pulling and slightly tearing that pretty package I realized that "surgery" was probably better'n what I was attemptin', and, since I was an insulator for some 25 years, I pulled out m'knife (which I still carry for just such occassions) and carefully sliced the tape....
Low and behold, another package and a card.
I knew, seein' "boney" written on it is was from y'all, and I was really excited...
(Although, fer some silly reason, I really thought I'de see a package of pork rinds show up at the doorstep...but, probably, makin' a special package fer some displaced Georgia peach like the likes of me was out'a the question...)
I thought long on this new package, for I knew that seal wasn't gonna be an easy thing t'get around, and I SURE didn't wanna cut it.
Heck! It came all the way from EUROPE!
After much finangaling (is there even a proper way t'spell that word?) I pulled out the....
OK....this ol boy done been around, and I do mean AROUND the block a few dozen times....but
I have no idea.
I LOVE it, whatever it is.
My daughter, though less experienced in the ways of the world is, none-the-less, quite adept at showing her ol' man a thing or two, and I will take it from the mantle (where I put things I like alot) and question her as to its function.
But, as I stated earlier...
I don't care WHAT it is...
I like it.
THANKYOU, GAL! Y'all made my day!
Nice gown, gal...(hope the uncle guy don't get too upset that a feller like me sez so)
And, I see where foam sez a
"handcrafted bookmark"
and, as that sounds plausible, I'm going with it....
though, fer just a lil bit of time, it occured to me that you may have sent the wrong item to me, for it sort'a looked like ...
(no laughing...)
(well, at least, not too loud)
a bracelet fer a really delicate kind'a person...
AH? Foamy, ya got it?? And Boney, you too? Yep--it is a Murano glass bookmark. But feel free to use it however decoratively ya's pleased ter do (but not as a bracelet fer a delicate sort.)
Boney, Sugar, ya' likes me gown? Well...truth ter tell, I does in fact have that very gown on as I type this very minute. Uncle ain't worried none that ya' seen it, since he thinks these gowns is an insult ter a red blooded poark farmer ...wait! ...a red blooded Rhett Butler.
Hey Infini!! baby thang--whar' ya been?? Yep---I gots a picture fer ya--whoo-whee though, there is a problem....it is a pic wif mah daddy holdin' me, and Contessa, I do declare, he will make ever'lady readin' this blog swoon....I'se afraid of startin' a riot.
SO....I'm hunting a baby pic that is jes' me....but iffin' I doan find it tomorry, then up goes Daddy and me.
I'm happy that life has brought you blessings, no matter how simple. I hope many more are in store for you. That you can enjoy what you have demonstrates a wisdom not found by those who always want more.
Thanks for stopping by my place. You're always welcome there.
The glass is half full here too... if you focus on what you dont have, instead of what you do have, it puts the emphasis on the negative not the positive...
I read a quote yesterday, somewhere...
"The grass IS always greener."
Gotta find the greenest bit you have and bask in it as much as possible!
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