
Red another way

Does ya'll recall the poem? Seems this ole poem is makin' the rounds again--I'd rather this in class than Catcher in the Rye. Less borin'.


Karl said...

Good evening Aunty Belle,

I enjoyed them both. Loreena Mckennit has a beautiful voice and the accompanying music hits a cord inside.

Could one not hold the view, that if the young man had not been a thief, they would both be alive.

Aunty Belle said...

Hi Karl...
Yes lovely voice.

Oh I agree- very very teachable
Moment for students : the emotion the
Committment, the passion, the romance. Is so compelling
Oh yes,all that-- but does it make robbery OK?

Of course not---but isn't true that movies and
TV and music videos etc try to portay
certain behaviors by celebs as OK because
Ya' know, they're so in love or so passionate?

Bess an' the Highwayman are jes' the
Bonnie an' Clyde of yesteryear.

Jenny said...

Lovely to watch. Thanks Aunty.