Aunty's Front Porch where lighter exchanges go with well lemonade and pork rinds. Y'all sit a spell. Tell a story or two. Bring your dogs. Feeling feisty? Looking for debate? C'mon round to the BACK PORCH @auntybelles.blogspot.com NOTE:Contents of this blog is copyrighted 2006-2013.
Aunty is, most obviously, a woman with exquisite taste. And are those your copper pots? Beautiful! Happy Mute Monday
Excellent pics and I'll bet most are originals. The Catholic Church I trespass on has that same statue, I think.
You have to do the Throwdown Challenge because...you're IN mine. Grrherhahhahahaa.
Happy Mute Monday
Pretty dog.
Almost as pretty as a Chessie.
Nice pictures there pilgrim. I'm guessing some were taken during your journey to Santiago. How far did you actually walk or bike?
Happy MM!
Gorgeous places, especially the luxurious hotel room bed! :) Would love to do that trip. Happy MM.
Man your hair is long.
heh..well, from the fabu MoI that is a welcome comment. On them pots--not mine, but I has plenty plenty--includin' them fish and the arab ones--mebbe I should do a post on the copper thangs round heah.
that statue (assume ya mean the angel) is found at Pont Michel in Paris--mah most very favorite depiction of St. Michael givin' the devil his due. heh.
I jes' ain't sure anythang in dogdom can beat a black lab--sorta pure dog, a know? But I is also partial to a Chessie too--mah general preference is fer bigger breeds.
Buzz Kill!!
Oooh, be careful or I will yak yore haid off on the matter of the Camino de Santiago. I has made the trek twic't--onc't in 1999 --yep! Got mah Latin proclamation) an again in 2005 when Uncle an' me went cause he din't really, really believe the 1999 trek was all that we said it was. Heh-- he found out. An he loved it!
But also, I has been in parts of France that are on the Camino --that first photo is one such village. One day I'd like to write 'bout the Camino.
heh....them beds can be worth the whole trip!
Did ya see Dorie's favorite chocolate???
Good evening Aunty Belle,
You and Mrs. Karl have amazingly similar tastes in wine and chocolate, as far as favorite things go.
Happy Mute Monday!
Oh Auntie! Who is that strapping young chocolate lab? He's wonderful, and I'm certain he would make the most excellent pups with my darling, yella, lone lady, Lexus.
Happy MM, Auntie, and thanks for sharing some of your favorite things.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I'll take one of each!
Aunty, I bought the book. A challenge indeed since it's old school with only lovely art and illustrations. Funny the front cover also has a long haired blond woman standing not on a balcony watching fireworks but pondering what loveliness she should choose from the Patisserie. Fireworks or pastry, Paris is a lovely place to ponder such choices.
OK woman, which recipe should we start with?
ahhhh, I just came home after a long day and this was exactly what I needed to see. Pretty things.
Happy MM!
gorgeous! .. especially the chocolate .. :)
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